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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Official Mini-Minutes released

American Mensa Committee
23 March 2013

The budget for the 2013-2014 fiscal year was approved, with an estimated excess of revenue over expenses of $127,287.

An administrative fee of $20 to be added to the 2014 AG registration rates was approved.

The minutes of the March 6, 2013, teleconference and the January 21, 2013, teleconference were approved.

The next meeting of the AMC will be a teleconference to be held before May 31, 2013.

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Poirier
AMC Secretary


You can compare the above mini-minutes to an unofficial version of mini-minutes I put out on March 25, two days after the meeting:


  1. Thanks for the transparency. I would also appreciate knowing who voted for any fee or dues increases and what is the reason for increase.
    An example of someone who is hiding her real identity is Debra Reiger, running for 2nd Vice Chair. She does not mention that she is a long time activist with the Peace and Freedom Party in California. Is she ashamed of being a Communist? I am new to Mensa, but I'll bet Heather Miller Poirier and Debra are comrades, as Heather is also secretive with the minutes and wants Mensa to be "for the world," whatever that means in the liberal lingo. Debra claims to be for "diversity," but in liberalese, that means totally intolerant of Conservatives and Christians. Is that why so many Mensa events are on Sunday, when Christians are at church? Liberals have taken over so many professional organizations in this country and turned them into shills for the Democrat Party. Hope they are not doing that to Mensa. Don't forget, the Founding Fathers of the USA and the Early Christian Fathers were all high IQ people.

    Thanks for letting me rant,
    Nancy Henning Weres

  2. Mensa events are held when those of us who volunteer to run them have time in our schedule and desire to host them. Christians have church on Sunday and Jews have synagogue on Saturday. (I can't speak to when other religions have their services.) The majority of larger events happen on one (or both) of these weekend days. It's unrealistic to ask that all weekends be totally avoided, IMO. (Major religious holidays being avoided is a different issue.)

    As for who voted for the various increases, my notes indicate the following (NB: Betsy Mark tried to attend via phone and it is unclear when the connection was ever working, so she is presumed (by me) to be absent, and Elissa Rudolph doesn't vote unless breaking a tie):
    --Approving the budget - unanimous
    --Approving $20 AG administrative fee - unanimous

    The dues increase was approved last year, not at the March meeting in VA. You can see what was written up about those in the October 30, 2012 teleconference's meeting minutes:\Agenda\2012-10-30Minutes.pdf
