Below is my campaign statement that was sent out in an e-mail blast on April 11. Please use this at least as the initial thread for Q&A, until something else potentially more pertinent to you is the base post.
My name is Jared Levine, I am running for Secretary, and I would appreciate your vote in the upcoming AMC election.
You can see my writing on my qualifications, history within Mensa, and some Mensa-philosophical items in some local group newsletters, the official campaign material that will be mailed out soon, and on my blog at The focus of this brief missive, however, is on increasing trust within the organization – not only trust of the membership in the AMC, but also AMC being more trusting of the membership than some current impressions (accurate or not) would seem to be.
Frequently, members of past AMCs have done several things to undermine the essential underpinnings of trust with and by the national board, even if that was not their intent. Being overly secretive about actions being considered, providing only minimal information on certain situations that have arisen, taking what appear to be rash and/or ill-considered actions, and pooh-poohing rank-and-file member concerns and/or criticisms sowed the seeds of distrust. All it takes is one or two instances of this and then members are more inclined to “assume the worst” and ascribe motives to AMC members, the AMC as a whole, and the continuing “institution” of the AMC regardless of its constituent membership, even when there will be as much turnover as there will be with this election, regardless of who wins each race. These actions on both sides feed a cycle that is very difficult to escape.
While trust certainly can't be re-established overnight, building it back up is vital, and something for which I will strive with every AMC meeting held, every set of minutes I write and disseminate, every communication I put forth in my role as Secretary. I will push for providing as much information as possible to the membership. At the same time, I ask that those of you who ascribe motives and assume the worst in people's thoughts and actions take a step back and recognize what you are doing. With members on both sides of this “divide” working to better relations between the AMC and the rank-and-file membership (and similarly on the local level in local groups where there is such a divide), we can begin to heal some of Mensa's institutional problems. With increased trust and open minds, we can all help to make American Mensa something we can all be proud of.
Again, go to for more of my Mensa-specific writings and background. Send a comment to the blog and let's carry on a conversation. Or, if you want a more private conversation, e-mail me at And please vote - Jared Levine for Secretary - when you get your ballot in the mail in the near future.
Thank you.
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