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Friday, June 8, 2012

Governance Discussion -- Bylaws Amendment #4

Here's proposed bylaws amendment #4.


Amendment Summary
Add an appointed position to the AMC, consisting of an active LocalSecretary who is appointed to the AMC by a vote of Local Secretaries. The term of this position shall be for a non-consecutive year. The individual filling this position must be unique to the AMC, and may not be filled by any other existing elective or appointed position serving on the AMC and as a Local Secretary.

Affected Bylaws
Article 3, number 5
(5) The appointive members of the American Mensa Committee shall include the following: Membership Officer, Communications Officer, Director of Science and Education, Development Officer and such other officers as shall be required for the orderly administration of the business of the society.

Revised Bylaws

Article 3, Number 5
(5) The appointive members of the American Mensa Committee appointed by the American Mensa Committee shall include the following: Membership Officer, Communications Officer, Director of Science and Education, Development Officer and such other officers as shall be required for the orderly administration of the business of the society. The appointive members of the American Mensa Committee appointed by the collective of Local Secretaries at the time of appointment shall include a 1 year, non-consecutive (not eligible for a second term for at least 12 months) term of a sitting Local Secretary who is not serving in any other capacity on the AMC.
Conflict Mitigation

In the even that both amendment 2 and amendment 4 pass, the revision to Article 3, Number 5 that is present in amendment 4 shall override the revision present in Amendment 2.
Pro-Position Statement on Proposed Amendment
By adding a sitting Local Secretary to the AMC, we can continue to encourage dialog between the local level and the national level, along with bringing a grass roots perspective to board members who may no longer be familiar to its challenges. Its non-voting status maintains the will of the elective in giving decision making power to those who can be held accountable at election time. The term limit of 1 year will maintain that a fresh local level perspective is constantly provided to the AMC.

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