I just got home a little while ago from Central NJ Mensa's Snowball RG. I had a really good time. The one speaker I went to see (since programs aren't usually what I go to at RGs) was very good, and attracted about 1/2 of the 250+ attendees to watch her talk on "Bad Science." The games room had a decent variety of games to enjoy (I brought some of mine, Gamesmeister Ryan Martin brought a bunch, and a few other attendees also brought some). But, surprisingly enough for me, I spent a LARGE amount of time in Hospitality talking with people on all sorts of topics.
MWM's RG is coming up soon enough - May 18-20 - in Herndon, VA, at our now-familiar Hyatt Dulles hotel. Looking forward to seeing the full list of programs we have on tap (I'll be putting on "Are You Smarter Than a Young Mensan?" again, and proctoring at least one test session), playing lots of games (possibly some of the ones I (and others) bring, or many of the ones that the chapter owns inclusive of all of the games the chapter receives from the upcoming Mind Games (r)), and sitting and talking with friends (long-time and newly met).
To register for our RG, go to http://www.mwm.org/what-we-do/mwm-rg
Talk Mensa With Me
Dizzy trying to find out which way Mensa is going? Make this one of your stops to find out about the ins and outs of American Mensa, Ltd. (AML).
If you want to get in touch with me, contact me at boxmaster@alumni.williams.edu or just click on any of the "comments" links throughout this blog.
Or of course http://www.mwmrg.org/. :-)