Talk Mensa With Me

Dizzy trying to find out which way Mensa is going? Make this one of your stops to find out about the ins and outs of American Mensa, Ltd. (AML).

Interested in the happenings of Metropolitan Washington Mensa? I'll be able to either directly answer your questions regarding the running of the chapter (certainly through Oct. 31, 2011, my last day as LocSec) or forward you to the appropriate person who can do so.

If you want to get in touch with me, contact me at or just click on any of the "comments" links throughout this blog.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Interested in ExComm Positions?

This year is an election year here in MWM. As is the case with each election, all positions are available for election (or re-election, if an incumbent runs again for the same seat). Ideally, we will have as many contested offices as possible; there is no individual that is so indispensable or whose vision is "the only" one that they shouldn't have competition for the office. Competition for the Executive Committee (ExComm) positions is a healthy way of getting the members involved, getting additional ideas into the mix, and improving the chapter.

If you have been curious about just what it is that the ExComm as a whole or any of the individual ExComm members actually DO in their capacity on the ExComm, please ask us. To reiterate (compared to CapM) what the specific positions on the ExComm are:
Local Secretary (a.k.a. President)
Membership Officer (a.ka. Vice President)
Programs Officer
Treasurer (a.k.a. Exchequerer)
Publications Officer
Scrivener (a.k.a. Secretary)

Earlier today we, essentially, officially kicked off the election season in the chapter in two ways:
1) Appointing the Chairman and members of the Election Committee: Deb Morris (chairman); Nancy Vogel, Paul Bethe, Jody Carlson, and Stephanie Smilay (committee members)
2) Re-affirming that the Election Party will be conducted on Sunday, October 9, within the venue of the RG. (NB: The Election Party is free to all members of MWM.)

Consider running for the ExComm and making a difference for the better in the chapter. There's lots to be done, lots that can be done, and new ideas and energy are vital to keeping the chapter vibrant and thriving.

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