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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Oddity in Election Code

For those who are crazy enough to read through the full Election Code (like me, obviously), you may have noticed a couple of curiosities:
1) The Code talks about the biographic statement and the campaign statement as if they are items that are separate from the questions asked by AMC on the Candidate Information Forms (CIFs), however, those are actually questions 8 and 9 on the forms;
2) The word limit for the biographical statement on the CIF is 50 words, but the word limit for the biographical statement per the Election Code is 150 words.

It's not yet clear to me whether this means there are supposed to be two separate biographic statements and two separate campaign statements, or something else.

I've sent some questions to the Election Committee Chairman in an attempt to clarify these items and will post a follow-up note in this thread once it's cleared up.

1 comment:

  1. After a little bit of dialogue, I finally have answers to the above items.

    1) Question #8 on the CIF (which is limited to 50 words) is NOT considered the same thing as the biographical statement. Take advantage of that 150 words to put together a biographical statement above and beyond what you have within your answer to CIF #8.

    2) Question #9 on the CIF *is* the same thing as the campaign statement that they ask to be sent in as a separate file. So, go ahead and simply copy/paste your answer to #9 into a separate file and label it as your campaign statement.

    3) Since CIF #8 is not considered to be the biographical statement, there is no contradiction in that answer being limited to 50 words and the biographical statement per the Election Code being limited to 150 words.

    Hope that clears it all up!
