Below are my individual SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-limited) goals, both specific to the office I seek and what I would want for the AMC writ large. I expect that many of the items on the AMC-specific list will align with what the slate eventually puts out, but can only represent these goals, for now, as solely my own viewpoint.
Priority Tasks Specifically for Secretary
1. Compile and distribute mini-minutes of AMC meetings in under one week.
2. Compile and distribute the full minutes of AMC meetings in two weeks, subject to being able to have a unanimous online vote as required by law for such online votes.
3. Update the ASIEs as of July 2013 by July 31, 2013.
4. Ensure that the ASIEs are updated and available online within two weeks of AMC meeting minutes being approved.
5. Compile and distribute mini-minutes of the ABM in under one week.
6. Compile and distribute a draft version of minutes of the ABM in under one month. Accept attending-member input to the draft version as soon after the ABM concludes as possible. ABM minutes are approved at the subsequent ABM.
7. Cross-reference the bylaws, ASIEs, various handbooks, and local group charters. Provide SMART phrasing of this goal before the 2nd AMC meeting of the 2013-15 term to make more measurable and easier to evaluate.
8. Ensure the dates, times, and locations of all AMC meetings and committee meetings are readily available to the membership within one business day of them being set. (Such meetings should be open to the membership.)
Priority Tasks for AMC
1. Take all votes publicly in open session, even if related to discussions which were determined to be required to be held in executive session.
2. Make sure that reports created by the National Office or a contracted outside firm for the AMC with affect the whole of AML be readily accessible to the membership. Such reports should be made available in less than one month. Exceptions to this policy should be rare and well-explained.
3. Before the 2nd AMC meeting of the 2013-15 term, request, receive, and review all of the financial information that was used for the 2013-14 budget. Use this information to begin to review and prioritize the various programs being funded via dues in order to determine the effectiveness of those programs, which should be retained/eliminated, and whether dues should be changed (which includes the possibility of lowering them).
4. Ensure that all members of the AMC receive the full “binder” of materials used in preparation of the budget, even though the initial drafting of the budget is done by the Finance Committee. This material should be on-hand when starting to review the Finance Committee's proposed budget. Project mebership growth and retention more realistically, and budget accordingly.
5. Before the 3rd AMC meeting of the 2013-15 term, request, receive, and review the in-depth description of the duties of all staffers at the National Office and a cost-accounting of what each of the staffers actually does.
6. Before the 3rd AMC meeting of the 2013-15 term, investigate how to make the AMC meetings available to members remotely. Report the findings at the 3rd AMC meeting. Determine how any changes in this policy would affect records retention.
7. Before the 3rd AMC meeting of the 2013-15 term, enable members of “Isolated Ms” to become proctors, despite the lack of the current "key players" needed for such certification.
8. Reform the hearings process if no such amendment is passed via referendum during the 2013 election. Put forward such a bylaws amendment, if still needed, for the 2015 election. Update the ASIEs accordingly.
9. Put forward a bylaws amendment that removes the current Nominating Committee procedure if no such amendment is passed via referendum during the 2013 election; have it available for the ballot for the 2015 election. Update the ASIEs accordingly.
10. Put forward a bylaws amendment that fixes the current RVC replacement impasse if no such amendment is passed via referendum during the 2013 election; have it available for the ballot for the 2015 election.
11. Put forward a bylaws amendment that enables a recall of members of the AMC if no such amendment is passed via referendum during the 2013 election; have it available for the ballot for the 2015 election.
12. Review the long-standing policy of requiring that staffers not be members of Mensa. Determine what, if any, legal and tax-status ramifications would come from changing the policy to permitting members to be paid staff. (Note: Regardless of the determination, this would not necessitate the current staffers qualify for and become members of Mensa unless the policy changed that only current or former members be permitted to be staffers; such a reequirement, if desired, would also need to be studied from a legal and tax-status perspective.) Final determination should be made before the end of the first year of the 2013-15 term.